Psychiatric comorbidity of gender identity disorders: a survey among Dutch psychiatrists.

  title={Psychiatric comorbidity of gender identity disorders: a survey among Dutch psychiatrists.},
  author={Joost {\`a} Campo and Henk Nijman and Harald Merckelbach and Catharine Evers},
  journal={The American journal of psychiatry},
  volume={160 7},
There is little consensus, at least among Dutch psychiatrists, about diagnostic features of gender identity disorder or about the minimum age at which sex reassignment therapy is a safe option, which underline the need for more specific diagnostic rules in this area.

Psychiatric characteristics in transsexual individuals: multicentre study in four European countries.

People with gender identity disorder show more psychiatric problems than the general population; mostly affective and anxiety problems are found.

Assessment and Treatment of Gender Dysphoria and Gender Variant Patients: A Primer for Psychiatrists.

The primary aim of the present article is to assist adult psychiatrists who do not specialize in transgender clinical care in the delivery of respectful, clinically competent and culturally attuned care to gender variant patients including those who identify as transgender or transsexual or meet DSM-5 criteria for the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria.

Comorbidity of gender identity disorders.

The authors have no soliddata to prove that specialized gender teams would not con-sider psychiatric disorders as a contraindication to cross-sexhormone treatment, a conclusion easily inferred from their report.

Psychiatric Aspects of Gender Dysphoria

The present chapter will describe and discuss the main psychiatric aspects related to the care of GD in childhood, adolescence, and adult age in line with international recommendations and guidelines.

Psychological Characteristics and Sexuality of Natal Males with Gender Dysphoria

The psychological characteristics of individuals with gender dysphoria have recently been under scrutiny in the discussions regarding the latest Standards of Care (SOC7) of the World Professional…

Gender Dysphoria – Prevalence and Co-Morbidities in an Irish Adult Population

The incidence of diagnosis and referral of GD in Ireland is increasing and clear and accessible treatment pathways supported by mental health professionals is essential.

Report of the American Psychiatric Association Task Force on Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder

Current evidence was judged sufficient to support recommendations for adults in the form of an evidence-based APA Practice Guideline with gaps in the empirical data supplemented by clinical consensus.

Gender Dysphoria in Adults: An Overview and Primer for Psychiatrists

Adult psychiatrists who are not gender specialists in the delivery of respectful, clinically competent, and culturally attuned care to gender-variant patients, including those who identify as transgender or transsexual or meet criteria for the diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria (GD).

Clinical and Phenomenological Characteristics of the Formation of Gender Reassignment Ideation in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

Patients with transsexualism were statistically more often adapted in terms of work and family, had experience of living in the desired gender, used independent hormone therapy, and underwent gender-determining interventions before attending medical boards for gender reassignment and were also more rarely hospitalized in psychiatric institutions.

Gender Identity Disorder with Co-Morbid Adjustment Disorder

Introduction Gender identity disorder (GID) is a complex disorder and can be defined as a group of disorders whose common feature is a strong and persistent preference for living as a person of the…

Adult gender identity disorder can remit.

Reports were reviewed for apparent remissions in adult GID, finding that subjects require a long trial period of cross-gender living prior to any surgical interventions, and the frequency of permanent remission may be underestimated.

Sex reassignment of adolescent transsexuals: a follow-up study.

Starting the sex reassignment procedure before adulthood results in favorable postoperative functioning, provided that careful diagnosis takes place in a specialized gender team and that the criteria for starting the procedure early are stringent.

De behandeling van jonge transseksuelen in Nederland

For more than ten years transsexual adolescents have been diagnosed and treated psychologically at the department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Medical Centre in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and it appears that the risk of unjustified treatment is higher when the treatment is administered at an early age than in adults.

Issues in diagnosis and treatment of transsexualism

Until rigorous outcome data are available, return to a conservative position on sex reassignment, using highly exclusive diagnostic guidelines and restrictive selection criteria, is advocated.

Transsexualism—General outcome and prognostic factors: A five-year follow-up study of nineteen transsexuals in the process of changing sex

Ninetten transsexuals, approved for sex reassignment, were followed-up after 5 years and female transsexuals had a slightly better outcome, especially concerning establishing and maintaining partnerships and improvement in socioeconomic status compared to male transsexuals.

Psychosis in a transsexual

For meaningful research to be formed, asneezia must be operationally defined as theence of sneezing after exposure to the most noxious inhalant allergen.

Prevalence of Transsexualism in the Netherlands

The calculated prevalence of transsexualism was higher than hitherto recorded and the ratio of male-to-female compared with female- to-male transsexuals was found to remain constant at 3:1.

Long-term follow-up of “sex change” in 13 male-to-female transsexuals

One striking finding is that overall sexual adjustment is often unchanged by genital surgery, and psychosocial adjustment showed a slight improvement after surgery.

The Successful Treatment of a Gender Dysphoric Patient with Pimozide

    B. PuriI. Singh
  • 1996
Patients with a gender dysphoric patient who responded successfully to pharmacotherapy with pimozide should be considered in cases of doubtful gender dysphoria.

Subjective Ideas of Sexual Change in Male Schizophrenics

Female schizophrenics were more likely to be single, to retain their sexual interest, to exhibit genital hallucinosis, to express delusions of change of size or shape of the genitalia and toexpress delusions of changing sex, these last four factors being closely associated with each other.