• Corpus ID: 118315883

Volume Sculpting with 4D Spline Volumes

  title={Volume Sculpting with 4D Spline Volumes},
  author={Benjamin Schmitt and Maxim Kazakov and Alexander A. Pasko and Vladimir V. Savchenko},
An interactive sculpting system that supports global deformation using spline volumes, and local deformations implemented as real time carving, is described.

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Constructive Sculpting using 4 D Spline Volumes

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Constructive modeling of FRep solids using spline volumes

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Constructive modeling of FRep solids using spline volumes

The distance property the authors obtain, combined with the properties of the spline volumes, allow us to use the resulting 3D solid as a leaf of a constructive tree and to apply to it set-theoretic, blending and other operations defined using R-functions.

Volume sculpting

A modeling technique based on the metaphor of interactively sculpting complex 3D objects from a solid material, such as a block of wood or marble, achieves real-time interaction by reducing the complex operations between the 3D tool volume and the3D model down to primitive voxel-by-voxel operations.

Sculpting: an interactive volumetric modeling technique

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Parametric Patches and Volumes in Function Representation of Geometric Solids

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Creating and Rendering Convolution Surfaces

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Constructive shell representations for freeform surfaces and solids

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Controlled Topology Simplification

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