Subjective Performance and the Value of Blind Evaluation

  title={Subjective Performance and the Value of Blind Evaluation},
  author={Curtis R. Taylor and Huseyin Yildirim},
  journal={The Review of Economic Studies},
The incentive and project selection effects of agent anonymity are investigated in a setting where an evaluator observes a subjective signal of project quality. Although the evaluator cannot commit ex ante to an acceptance criterion, she decides up front between informed review, where the agent's ability is directly observable, or blind review, where it is not. An ideal acceptance criterion balances the goals of incentive provision and project selection. Relative to this, informed review… 

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Project Screening with Tiered Evaluation

The effect of a change in the submission fees at the two tiers of evaluation on the expected quality of projects that are implemented by the evaluator is examined.

Imperfect evaluation in project screening

This paper studies a model in which an agent considers proposing a project of unknown quality to an evaluator, who has to decide on whether or not to accept it, and shows that an increase in the submission fee may lead to a decrease in the quality of projects that are implemented because of its adverse effects on the evaluation policy.

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